Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Smy or Pie?

It's a confusing world isn't it? I mean, somethings simply make no sense at all!

Why does fluff appear in your belly-button?

Where do bogeys come from?

Why is Justin Lee Collins famous?

We will never know the answers to those questions but for those of you who occasionally get all confuzzled between wether something is a pie or if it's me, i've compiled a handy guide:

Does the thing you're looking at have a layer of crust?

Does the thing you're looking at have a little hole at the top to let out steamy substances?

Is the thing you're looking at full of lovely chunks of goodness?

Would the thing you're looking at look delicious next to some chips?

Does the thing you're looking at have potential to create its own gravy?

Would you like to stuff the thing you're looking at in your mouth?

If left on a windowsill, would this thing be stolen by a cheeky scamp?

If you answered YES then you're looking at a PIE!

Does the thing you're looking at have a layer of crust?

Does the thing you're looking at have a little hole at the top to let out steamy substances?

Is the thing you're looking at full of lovely chunks of goodness?

Would the thing you're looking at look delicious next to some chips?

Does the thing you're looking at have potential to create its own gravy?

Would you like to stuff the thing you're looking at in your mouth?

If left on a windowsill, would this thing be stolen by a cheeky scamp?

If you answered YES then you're looking at SMY!

I'm glad we got this cleared up. I really am.

If the thing you're looking at is divisable by 3.14, then it's probably Pi. Ahem.


Evil Amnesiac said...

thanks smylexx! never again shall i suffer the smy/pie/pi confusion that has plagued my adult life!

Smylexx said...

You're most welcome. Should you have any other dolphin/pastry-coated snack confusions, please let me know.

Anonymous said...

how long have dolphins had belly buttons and could it be classed as fluff as it would be wet?? mmmmm!

Smylexx said...

Dolphins are mammals, we are not hatched out of dolphin-eggs, you know.

I see your point though, it's more like "moss" than "fluff".

Tora said...

Who is Justin Lee Collins?

Never heard of him.

Smylexx said...