Saturday, 2 June 2007


Is it really June? So soon? Apparently it is and as a dolphin with his flipper on the pulse, I have made it my mission to bring you many June related factoids as is dolphinly possible.

Amazingly, no other month starts on the same day as June. Go on, check, you'll see. I'll wait....



Back? See? Told you, didn't i? Amazing isn't it?

According to Weird Al Yankovic, Weasel Stomping Day takes place in June. Despite some people saying that this is a made-up event, i refuse to accept that and have already purchased a golden weasel stomper in preparation.

June is named after the actress June Whitfield. Her constellation is beside TerryScottius Major, below the Great Otter and to the right of Flora the Margarine.

June's astrological sign is Gemini, the twins. I saw a video with twins in once. It was ACE!

Garfield, the lazy, lasagna loving, slightly 80's cat celebrates his birthday on June 19th as does totally bonkers, but highly electable MP Boris Johnson, one-trick-pony actress, Mavis from Coronation Street and Ben Andrews, a gay porn star. Happy Birthday Ben. Some Anusol Gel and a bottle of mouthwash are on their way...

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