Goodness! You know what? It IS July! That's right!! Turn to the cover of your Take A Break Weekly magazine and look next to that over-inflated price and you'll see it confirmed! Ace, isn't it?
As always, my little flipperless chums, I will try to enliven your world with factoids about the month which are so fascinating, your head may actually become detached from your neck. So, with neck-glue at the ready, let's delve....
July was named after Julius Cesar. For those that don't watch the history channel, Julius Cesar (or JayCee if you know him as well as i do) is the name of the man that fitted my pool filter last Wednesday. Nice chap. Tends to shout a bit. Smells like teen spirit.
Luckily for July (and for us) they didn't use Julius' middle name or we might be stuck with calendars with 'Nigel' written on them for a whole 31 days a year.
In Finalnd the month is called heinäkuu, meaning "month of grass". I had a month of grass once. Cant really remember much about it but i did get through 164 packets of Cheezy Wotsits and 77 Curly-Wurlys and i found myself uncontrollably giggling for up to 17 hours a day.
Canadians have 'Canada Day' on the first of the month. This replaced the slightly less successful 'Bulgarian Day' which only 12 Canadians bothered to celebrate by setting fire to a Bulgarian in a ceremonial way.
Pretty sure Americans also celebrate something on the 4th of the month but i can't remember what it is. Is it 'Microsoft Day'? Maybe it's 'Summer Blockbuster Day' or perhaps it's Ronald McDonald's birthday or something.
ahhhh yes july,,
i remember the summer days of july of my childhood,
chasing trains,, while jumping over fields of corn,
outrunning those nasty kids from the football team. .
my dad dying of a heart attack while i ran him to the old tractor shed,,
moving to metropolis,,
ahhh them were the days,,
You're sure you're not confusing yourself with someone else? Someone who is comfortable saying the word 'Swell' and 'Golly!!' in public places?
July is such a delightful month!
You get strawberries and birthday presents, you will quite possibly be able to swim in the ocean (except you Smy, no offense there) and you can have lots of bbq's!
If the sun's out you could possibly get a tan as well - imagine that!
I prefer March because i'm a Piscean (obviously) but females wear less in July and August so those months are 'right up there!!!!'
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