There are some mysteries even more mysterious than a mysterious fishtank, some questions have puzzled mankind for millenia.
Why is Jade Goody still famous?
How do The Krankies have sex?
Why does Donald Duck wear a towel after a shower?
These are all super-puzzling but, perhaps more perplexing than all of those questions is 'what is inside a ladies handbag?'
I sent an undercover seahorse to investigate and the results were as follows:
One elastic band type thing -possibly to tie hair back with but could quite easily be used to strangle a weasel or as a makeshift bungie cord for assassin otters.
Just over £3.27 in loose change - the exact amount required to buy a nice piece of cod and a can of mushy peas.
A photograph of Neil Diamond -compulsory.
A packet of Polo Mints - which COULD be eaten or used as lifesaving rings for drowning butterflies.
A small device which we couldn't categorize -looked like a small pretend mouse in a tiny telescope. We're guessing it came from a Kinder Egg.
With the above knowledge in our heads, I'm pretty sure we can all sleep much more soundly tonight. I'm going to have an early night just to check.
Fits perfectly! But here are some (not as compulsory) ingridients that may comply to most handbags:
Sticky Shiny Sparkly Lipgloss - for polishing furniture, waxing a snowboard or a last minute touch up on those stressful days.
Trendy Handkerchief - for a makeshift boob on a flat day or simply for blowing noses in.
One Stick of Old Mint Gum - for that minty freshness and to hold together a broken heel or to seal in noise of whiny children.
Algae Vodka Shot - for a makeshift boob, for silence of the child, for a last minute touchup or just to blow ones nose in.
Hahahaha... love it.
Wonder why Nigel the Seahorse didn't spot those..perhaps he's holding out on me!
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