T'was the night before Christmas and all through Smy's pool
Not a creature was stirring in case they became food
Smy hung up his stocking and grinned happily
Hoping for beach balls or an otter dvd
The little fish snuggled up in their sea-beds
and hoped naughty Smy would eat mince pies instead
But later that night as the moon rose his head
A loud splashing noise woke Smy from his bed
Using his flippers to rub sleep from his eyes
Came a sight that totally took him by surprise
Santa and reindeer all making a fuss
had crash-landed their sleigh (which would soon shortly rust)
T'was Prancer's fault -oh he is such a rebel
He'd become fascinated by Smy's mysterious pebble
And now Santa sat on the pool-edge, what a hoot
to see him pour water from out of his boot
Smylexx pondered the scene and then offered help
'A talking fishy!' said Rudolph who then started to yelp
An hour passed slowly as Smylexx explained
and ordered a nurse-fish to tend to the bits that were sprained
One hour became two but soon all was well
Smy fixed up the sleigh, including the bell
With a hearty hug and a whole lot of kisses
Santa jumped on his ride and thanked all the fishes
The morning came fast and Smylexx felt pleased
'Was it a dream? Should i stop eating cheese?'
But pinned to his stocking with special elf glue
a note -'Merry Fishmass dear Smylexx...from You Know Who!'
*claps excitedly*
Oh this was such an excellent poem, Smy!
Why thank you... though i preferred it before Jeremy the squid proof-read it and removed the other 297 otter references from it.
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