Woo-woowoo-woowoo-woooooo (doobededoobitydoobededoobity-bloop-bloop-bloop-bloop).
Yes, there are many dark and moody bits in my pool. Most of them are in the deep end or situated around the mysterious pebble and cause no end of spooky nervousness as you swim past them.
Some of the smaller fish report of a dark and gloomy castle in the middle of the pool. Tales are told of little salmon venturing inside and never returning! Possibly eaten by werewolves, abducted by space-otters or whisked off into another dimension. I prefer to call the castle 'home' though and my tummy can probably account for most of the 'disappearances'.
I do envy those sexy detectives on the videobox thing though - the ones that run through warehouses with a flashlight, occasionally stopping to flash the beam of light over a jar containing a pickled alien weasel baby hybrid or something. I expect there's nothing more exhilarating than being anally probed by Christopher Walken and some little grey creatures that resemble smurfs with no noses.
Unfortunately my scientist captors seems very dull in comparison and the most dangerous thing they seem to do is dare to eat the eggy sandwiches that Nigel's mum makes for him each Thursday.
I've asked for a pen-torch and a selection of clear plastic evidence bags but so far no one has taken me seriously... Just don't come running to me when your socks have been abducted by Yetis from the Glomph Dimension!
I'm not doubting your warnings, or calling you a liar, but why would a yeti abduct socks?
I thought they had to be bare-foot to leave their trademark footprints.
Oh, and I made this new blog, where Tora, me and some other people too can write weird stuff.
It's called Spasmic Jam, and if you want to join in, just leave me your e-mail address.
That's a common mistake. Those 'foot-prints' are in fact hand-prints. Everyone knows that Yetis love to do handstands and cartwheels whenever possible.
Oh. That explains a lot really.
I mean, if people started trying to understand the yetis, rather than just telling stories about them and poking their handprints, maybe things could get somewhere.
Spasmic Jam sounds awesome but i have enough trouble just updating THIS blog. A dolphin's work is never done!
Fish please.
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