Three days ago we had an earthquake at the Leeds facility for Smart-Arsed Fish. It made me drop my milkshake and my porcelain otter collection rattled on the shelf which made them look as if possessed by evil, vengeful otter poltergeists.
Having done a quick inventory check, it became apparent that the little colourful fish, the nasty case of crabs and the twelve salmon were all unhurt... except for the three salmon i ate during the inventory keep my strength up, you understand.
What could have caused the earthquake though? I'm a simple fishy and don't understand these things. I've put it down to a few possibilities which are as follows:
Vanessa Feltz had fallen out of her water bed and managed to level half of Kent.
Two hundred angry squirrels had decided that 'enough was enough' and had planted explosives in the muesli factories.
An angry god had decided to smite us for making jokes about Jeremy Beadle's little deformed hand.
Two elephants were continuing their illicit affair and were having casual sex on top of a Ford Fiesta in a local car park...'cos elephants are dead classy like that.
Monsters from the planet Jellytot 5 had attempted to land their spaceship nearby but had forgotten to bother to check how big the planet was. In a huge error of judgement, they realised that the entire Earth was small enough for them to pop in their mouths and suck on like a fizzy gumdrop. They quickly scarpered off and turned their stereos down in order to be more discreet.
The planet's tummy rumbled while deciding whether or not to eat a small Danish girl for being too sparkly. After twenty minutes, the planet made the decision to open a bag of pickled onion Monster Munch instead.
Danish girl?!
Careful, you silly biscuit! Or get ready to crumble!
And there is no such thing as too sparkly.
And I have a butterfly-effect theory about that quake. Maybe it was a beetle that tapdanced and the beat created an earthquake in the UK!!
One girls sparkly is another mans blingy.
I'd keep the ears though. They make every point you make feel much more important.
That's very true. Much of the same effect as Foss' "wise finger"
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