Yes, it's that time of year again. The date that you've had circled on your calendar for the last 363 days is almost upon us; my birthday- tomorrow.
Although it's quite apparent that you've already bought my present and wrapped it, being extra careful not to crush the gold-leaf wrapping paper or to chip any of the encrusted 24 carat diamonds on the gift-tag, I thought I'd help those who were still struggling with the gift-choosing by providing you with a few handy tips:
1 x Puncture Repair Kit with a beach ball attachment would be most appreciated. Sadly, whenever i get a new beach ball, i tend to crush it or pop it in an excited moment usually when one of my scientist friends says something like 'Is it me, or is it getting 'otter in here?' or 'You know Colin, there really 'otter be a Fire Exit sign over that emergency door'.
1 x Lightly roasted salmon with dauphinoise potatoes. Obviously i wont eat the potatoes but i will look at them with delight as i gently nibble my salmon while extending my flipper in an over-posh way.
1 x Bedtime Stories book with waterproof paper. Some of the smaller fish tell me that they get a little scared at night. Unfortunately the thing they most fear is being eaten by me but perhaps a soothing story about bears might cheer them up a bit.
1 x otter sanctuary with 18 otters and a lifetime otter replacement guarantee so that if one of them slips off the little see-saw I'm making or squishes against a rock after bouncing too high off the little trampoline i made last week, I'd be sent a new one in the post.
I also expect a fish-cake with a candle in it. Hurry or you'll miss the shops!!
well thankee kindly!
I sent you a present, it was a treacle-salmon with coriander sauce, but it appears to have gotten lost in the mail :(
I didn't even get it in return.
So did you get anything lovely for your birthday, then? You better have!
insanity workout, ferragamo shoes, babyliss, mcm handbags, chi flat iron, p90x workout, converse, hollister, nike huarache, baseball bats, nike trainers, ray ban, soccer jerseys, nfl jerseys, vans, instyler, asics running shoes, louboutin, north face outlet, mac cosmetics, beats by dre, timberland boots, converse outlet, herve leger, nike air max, wedding dresses, new balance, nike roshe, jimmy choo shoes, iphone cases, vans shoes, ghd, soccer shoes, celine handbags, longchamp, north face outlet, mont blanc, reebok shoes, lancel, hollister, abercrombie and fitch, hollister, lululemon, ralph lauren, nike air max, gucci, valentino shoes, birkin bag, oakley, bottega veneta
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