So anyway, If I could hold a sword and didn't have to spend my day leaping through hoops or smiling sweetly or making klikkety-klik noises upon request, i'd most want to be a Samurai!
There is nothing more sexy than swearing in Japanese, sporting sideburns and a top-knot haircut and slicing up slimy Yakuzas in ancient feudal towns.
I even like Saki and I've seen over 8 Kurosawa movies so it would appear I'm probably almost qualified too!!
If there's anyone out there that would like to hire me, then by all means let me know. I'll be over here in the deep end next to the plastic castle.
I would hire you to be my bodyguard! Have you ever seen Samurai Champloo? It's a kickass anime about Samurai, you should definitely watch it. Maybe we could have a marathon night for our first date :)!
Goodness! A date? How exciting. But what should i wear? A Kinono and dodgy sandals on my flippers, perhaps...
I'll give it some thought.
Hmmm... I really don't mind what you wear... your best otter suit will do fine! I also have a favor to ask... I don't know how to use Chinese sticks... can you teach me??? I just enjoy sporks too much :)
These fab dining accessories were invented by asian cannibal porks. When the first tribes started to eat their neighbours and the local fruit-selling chap with the broadly brimmed hat, the need for cutlery became vital.
The first issue was met when approaching potato and pork pie, so they simply used the bony parts of the porkchops to create chopsticks.
In latter times we have now started to create chopsticks from garden-gnome thigh-bones of river-midget spines.
I'm pretty sure the usage of the word "gn*me" has been banned on this Blog. Let's never mention it again, eh?
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