Thursday, 5 April 2007

Easter Bunnies!

It's incredibly important to realise that the Easter Bunny is not quite as nice as he first appears.

Four years ago, I lent him a tenner which he said he was going to use to cure terminal diseases but moments later, i saw him entering Ladbroke's Betting Shop looking decidedly shifty.

I never got the money back either.

Here are ten other incredibly delicious things you did not know about this wretched creature:

1. He's immortal. Now, think about this. Only Gods and Demons and Elizabeth Taylor are immortal. He's not a God and I have never seen him entertaining Michael Jackson so.....

2. The eggs he places often contain nuts. He knows full well that many people have nut allergies and giggles with glee from behind the bushes if he sees someone having a seizure.

3. He is a shape-shifter. Initially he came to Earth in the shape of a Giant-Slor, then a Marshmallow Man and then as an Easter Crocodile before settling on the "bunny" look.

4. He doesn't lay the eggs himself. He has a battery farm in which chocolate chickens are kept in the worst possible conditions and threatened with a three-bar fire if they stop laying.

5. He's allergic to crumpets.

6. The Easter gig wasn't his first choice. He used to play bass for the Rolling Stones in the 6th and 7th centuries. He feels they've "sold out" in the last 400 years though and now prefers S-Club 7.

7. After leaving the trails of eggs, he sometimes leaves a surprise dog-turd in your sock drawer just for kicks.

8. No one has ever caught the bunny while he lays his egg trails. This is because he has a cloak of invisibility which he obtained in a card game with some elves.

9. He bites. Lots.

10. There is no Mrs Easter Bunny. She was killed in a horrific motoring accident while picking up some additional eggs for her husband from the local supermarket. He doesn't like to talk about it.


Kerry said...

Yup. Definitely odd.

Smylexx said...

No eggs for you!!

Evil Amnesiac said...

I got an egg! opened it only to find its hollow. like those boxed up "dvd" player gypsies sell from the back of vans.... its a damn con!

Colin Tuttle said...

im not suprised hes so pissed off, you see how hot his hot mrs was,,, good grief.

Smylexx said...

The link to The Mrs Easter Bunny was just for the boys. I expect to get some sort of free fish for slipping that one past your work's scrutinous network nanny!

Tora said...

the hot mrs. link doesn't work anymore :(


(Personally I think Jessica Rabbit is the best rodent-chick I have seen).

Smylexx said...


Was Jessica Rabbit actually a rabbit though?

She was Married to Roger and took his surname but i'm not convinced she was actually a bunny by-product.

Tora said...

I don't think she is, no.

Considering I have not seen any clear rabbit features on her yet.

Smylexx said...

Have you checked to see if she has any pubic HARE?

Ahhahahahahahahahhahahhaaa... ahaha...ahhahaahaha..hah....ahemmm..

sorry. :o(