Word up kids!
You know, I'm not one for complaining. Ask the little trouts that moved in a few weeks ago. They decided to have an all night rave with the glowy-jellyfish, damaged my beach ball and disturbed the mysterious pebble and i didn't say a word.
I couldn't, my mouth was full of trout.
Anyway, something today made me all irritable and throw a slightly psychotic hissy-fit. At least three of my human captors were splashed with dirty pool water and i refused to leap magnificently through my hoop more than 27 times today.
While surfing the interweb it came to my attention that the play-that-became-a-film, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is being transported once again to the stage.
Now, so far, two people have played the part of R.P. Mac Murphy; Michael Douglas and Jack Nicholson. Both of these actors are magnificent, intense and could, if given the opportunity (otter-tunity) could probably play just about anything! They have such intensity and inner-strength and erm...stuff.
So it made my flippers tingle with upsetness when it was brought to my attention the name of the actor chosen to play this part in the West End.
Would it be Daniel Craig? Proving himself to be a deep and brooding actor in his latest Bond film, it would be an obvious choice... but no!
Perhaps it would be Gary Oldman, an actor versatile enough to bring both a manic edge and depth to his character? No, no.
The obvious choice, it would appear, is.....
Shane Ritchie!!!!!
I'd say it again but it makes me blow big upset bubbles from my blowhole. Sh**e Rich-tea!! I can't believe my flippers! I mean, is it just me or isn't he....crap?
shane richie is a versitile actor.
may i suggest checking out his forum
somewhere for his fans to meet, and discuss his most recent and past contribuytions to the dramatic arts
That link made me cry :o(
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