Frozen food is great, right? I mean, it's like normal food but you can suck it and dunk it in your coffee and stuff.
In my continuous search for the answers to the really important questions, I've got in touch with two of the largest frozen food producers to get the real lowdown on how they operate.
Dear Captain Birds Eye.
I love your frozen foods, especially anything fish related however can you confirm just how efficient a crew of children aged between 7-15 really are at sea? Do their tiny hands get friction burns on the rigging easily or do they make up for it by being able to scoop the eyes out of really small sardines?
I was thinking of organising an ocean trip and would appreciate any tips on whether i should take a bunch of primary school age kids or more seasoned sailors with me.
I await your quick response....
Dear Green Giant.
I adore your delicious products, you really DO have green fingers but i have two quick questions;
1. Sprout. You remember him, right? Used to ask you interesting questions about peas in your adverts, had a slightly annoying voice, probably avoided at Christmas.. haven't seen him around much recently. Can you confirm if you've eaten him?
2. Since you're so jolly, could you tell me the secret to happiness? Did someone tell you a really good joke? If so, share. Or perhaps that leafy-thing you wear is sort of tickly around your swimsuit area? The public have a right to know!
How long do you think it will be before they reply? I cant sleep until i get some answers!!
Smy you cant use tux in a blatant attempt to be sent free frozen stuff. have you no geek standards???
These are all very relevant questions I feel, and if you get any answers, I think I have to send a letter to that confectionary creature made of those liqourice-ey things in pale yellow, pink, white and black to ask him why everyone always buy his sweets, but nobody actually likes them.
Also I think I have some questions for Snap, Crackle & Pop. I mean, there are so many questions!! All the questions - they are piling up like laundry between my ears!
Why have you not yet written to Happy Chef? Surely he must be rather pleased with his job too with a name like that.
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