Well, I'm sure since you're visiting the blog of a rather sexual dolphin, that you're interested in all things cetacean-related, right?
On the BBC website today it was announced that the Yangtze River Dolphin is now semi o-fish-ally extinct.
This is terrible news as at least three Yangtze River Dolphins owe me money from a bet we placed as to whether Graham Norton was gay or not back in 2003.
The Latin name for the Yangtze Dolphywoos is Lipotes Vexillifer which sounds like something Harry Otter would say before stroking his wand. The literal translation means 'Squeaky, Lovable Fishy Beastys'.
The Yangtze dolphins should never be confused with the Yahtzee Dolphins who spend all their time throwing dice around in a pitiful attempt to score a winning hand...err... winning flipper while wearing jumpers, being incredibly middle-class and squeaking 'Yahtzeeeeeh!!!' at the top of their klikky voices every so often.
Those dolphins suck.
Let's all spare a thought for the Yangtze Dolphins today before we tuck into our Tuna and Mayo Baguette.
this must be a hard time for you , , ,
if you need a flipper to lean on,,
" Lean on me,, when your not fiiiiisssssh!and ill be your soul,, some flipper to leeeeaaaan on!!!!"
maybe its time to escape from those dumb captors of yours and start to get it on with a few of these Yatzeeeeee dolphins and repopulate the species. ..
sea creatures of the world unite!
Except Sea-Horses. Those are just 'wrong'.
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