According to the slightly camp song, Money Makes the World Go 'Round. This statement is, of course, complete rubbish and also piffle!
From just a few minutes of flippering away on my Dolphin-O-Type 2000, i can confirm that the reason for the Earth's spinnyness is all down to windmills.
'Oh but Smy, you naughty (but ever so sexual) fish-like beasty, windmills are simply dotted around to make grain and suchlike'.
No, no, no! My research was in-depth and faultless. I must have typed for almost 72 seconds before i was satisfied with the results! Windmills are lined-up precisely for maximum wind-propulsion power, linked to a series of undergound pulleys and levers and operated by registered Earth Spinny Supervisors.
Hundreds of years ago, when the Earth was just a little baby planet inhabited only by prehistoric otters and slimy lizardy things, the windmills were simpler in design and operated by tyrannosaurus-rex who had specially evolved feeble hands and silly little arms to hold the gear-sticks with.
The prehistoric otters had better things to do, obviously.
Over the years, the windmills have become more sophisticated and super-sleek and funky and are now, more often than not, powered by nuclear-weasels. Small mammals trained by scientists to push the buttons at the right moment in exchange for a small fish.
I envy those weasels.
That explains why Denmark is now hovering above the ground and possibly catching up with germany!
If Denmark happens to land near my tank, let me know.
I'll let my human captors allow you access to my pool and maybe, if you're very good, i'll leap majestically through my hoop for you.
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