"Kids and grown-ups love it so."
Well, that's what it says on the packets anyway. In reality, unless they invent an entirely fish-flavoured chew, i wont confirm to 'loving it'.
Haribo sells about twenty gazillion bags of chewy thingies every day apparently and they come in a cornucopia of assortments such as:
Starmix - A mixture of stars, i would assume.
Mao mix - A mixture of sweety things which are popular with the 1960s New York streetgang, the Mao Maos.
Fantasy Mix - A mixture of fantasies in a bag. This would hopefully include my personal fantasy of being supreme king of the Otter Planet and another one which involves a lot of latex,some ice-cream and a small selection of primates. I wont go into detail.
Liquorice - Only freaks like liquorice.
Jelly Babies - The tiny defenceless babies of jelly families are snatched away in the middle of the night by evil Haribo Gnomes and are suffocated in plastic bags before being smothered in sugar.
Gold Bears - Very disappointing. The bears aren't REAL bears at all, they're made of chewy jelly stuff and not even a trace of gold or porridge in the entire bag. Rubbish.
The other exciting fact about Haribo is that they're based in Pontefract which is just a small swim from where i live. I can confirm that Pontefract is a bit smelly and full of chavs that would probably pull my flippers if i let them near my pool.
I think you're being very hard on the sweets industry. I mean, first Kinder surprise - now Haribo?
It is an obvious flaw now that you mention it, but we were having such a nice time in our warm glove of ignorance and haribo!
It's about time you updated anyway.
I agree entirely. The Dolphin-O-Type 2000 burst into flames last week and so i couldnt update!
But now it's back, shinier than ever and with all new waterproof bits so i'm all set to depart into the seas of Blog once more!
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