OK Star Trekkers, set your faces to 'stun' cos, by some crazy miracle it appears to be October!
September is just a distant memory in our brains and we can probably erase it from the contacts list in our mobile phones for another 11 months.
October, as we all know, comes from the latin Octo-Bear, a mythical 8 limbed teddy that can hug four children at once while singing a happy song about treacle on toast.
The astrological sign of Scorpio comes into the spotlight during this month. If you are a Scorpio then, as you read this, you are probably sending a letter to the mayor of San Fransisco made up of little letters cut out from magazines or holding up a school bus full of terrified children as you force them to sing 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'.
There are many fantabulous events that happen during the month including Columbus Day which is not to be confused with Columbo Day in which we all have to squint, wear a nasty looking raincoat and irritate shifty looking butlers in nice houses with irrelevant questions.
On the 21st, it is Apple Day. No, really, it really flippin' is! On this day we are all allowed to legally throw an apple at any politician we want to while squealing 'Pip! Pip! Pip!' in a high pitched voice.
Halloween makes an appearance at the end of the month but let's discuss this later, maybe when we're alone and wearing something less comfortable.
Why can't there be a Columbo day!?!?!
That would be assmazing
It Flippin' would!
Though it would be doubly-asstastic if it was followed by Miss Marple Weekend or a Moonlighting Bank Holiday!
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