Yes kids, it's Bonfire Night. This is the night that people across the UK 'celebrate' the failed attempts to blow up the Houses of Parliament by setting off fireworks and then jumping about a bit.
I'm pretty sure this must be a British thing. I'm not sure of any other country that celebrates the failure to do something with quite so much enthusiasm. Since all the British folks are obviously a bit funny-in-the-head, perhaps we could add a few more new Failure-Holidays to the calendar too!
I'm all for Eddie The Eagle day where we all celebrate the fact that we're rubbish at winter sports by attaching planks to our feet/flippers and leap off the top of a steep hill ...or speed bump if you're not brave enough.
How about Frank Bruno Day in which we all lay down on the floor of a boxing ring and stare up at the ceiling -much like Frank did in most of his fights?
We could have a Gemini Festival in which we celebrate getting zero points at the Eurovision Song Contest by sticking cheese in our ears and then screeching in a hideous way at visiting tourists.
There are so many reasons why Britain is just a teeny bit rubbishy so why don't we start a petition to get our favourite crappy events on the calendar?
and while were at it, can we have a National Otter Appreciation Day too?
My aunt Anne was born at Guy Fawkes' Night :)
She has not tried to blow up any parliaments yet, but we like to keep an eye on her whenever she's around matches, just in case.
If Guy Fawkes had been born in the last century, he'd probably have been callled Guy Sporks.
v for vendetta
now i think you have managed to mention 'otter' in every post in your blog.
am i right?
I never miss an otter-tunity to mention them. Will you buy me one for Smylex-xmass?
You can have a pair of socks.
And a rocket launcher.
I'm not sure how i'd be able to use the socks since i don't have feet but i'll take the rocket launcher...i can use it on the Anti-Otter League.
You could put the socks on your flippers to avoid getting your flipperprints on the rocket launcher.
I had my flipperprints removed by lasers when i joined the military...though i was dismissed after i decided i'd rather splash about and look pretty than look for mines.
a just cause, i say.
Splashing about and looking pretty/good, isn't that what the military is all about anyway?
I realised that if I drag my mouse in a circular motion around Phil the Panda's head, it's just like the film The Exorcist, except with Pandas.
I knew there was something missing from the original, and now I feel complete.
Personally i think the Exorcist would work better with chickens.
Then it would be The Egg-corcist...or erm... Poultrygeist.
Ahahahaahahahahaha...ahhaahaha...ha... sorry :o(
and fowl magic!
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