Here in the UK the human non-fish types often seem to complain how long it takes to see a doctor.
This strikes me as particularly odd as there appears to be no shortage of them on TV.
Every third programme seems to be about some smooth boy-faced medical chap or a stern business-like lady doctor who often 'cares too much' and so shuts her emotions away...except in a longing close-up at the end where she sheds a single tear as the credits start.
Quincy M.D. is morbidly interesting as. despite doing only 3 minutes of actual 'doctoring' per episode, he appears to attract as many hot women each week as The Fonz despite having a head that resembles a turnip and a nose that would not look out of place in the local Toucan Sanctuary. He does have big feet though, so maybe that explains it.*
Doctor Gregory House is my favourite, however. His style is to wrongly diagnose each patient 7 times per show and then, at precisely 37 minutes into the episode, he has a breakthrough and realises that the reason little Barry's eyeballs keep expanding to the size of watermelons is because in 1996, he attended a Teenage Mutant Ninja Otter festival and was exposed to mutated otter pelt while holding a can of cherry Tizer in his left-hand.
The patients always seem to go through agony while Dr House and his perfect skinned, magazine-cover-sexy associates put them through pointless tests for the first 36 minutes and begs the question -why not just leave them in a quite room with a nice book about penguins for a bit while House makes us all a nice cup of tea and tells us a nice long joke for perhaps 36 and a half minutes?
*women are attracted to large feet as this means that they get to wear the large shoes when the man goes out of the room while doing a deep-voiced impression of their man and trotting about saying stuff like 'where's my paper?' and 'fetch me more beer'. This is a known fact.
Got to love the sarcasm of House.
Are there not any famous vets?
What's your opinion on yorkshire pudding?
James Herriot is a very famous vet ANNNND he's also from Yorkshire -the home of puddings!
I quite like Yorkshire Puddings but only if they're home made...and come with a side-order of halibut.
Ahhhhhh James Herriot, , i dont know why but he always reminds me of Dr Who,,, The Fifth one, , , i assume its because he was the brains in 'All Creatures Great and Small' I assume he was undercover at the time, , ,
I think he was my favourite Dr.
Can i ask how do you enjoy your Yorkshire pudding ?
Does it not get soggy or is it served to you in some kind of inflatable penguin. (please be quick with your response as only have so much finger nail to bite)
Yours in anticipation,, , Colin,, , ,
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