Everyone's a critic, aren't they?
Just this morning i was leaping majestically through my hoop when a small angel fish named Norris swam past and said 'Ooh, that splash was a bit big, wasn't it? Probably 'cos you're putting on weight..in fact, i'd go as far as to say that you're looking a bit fa...'
The end of this sentence wasn't audible as by this point, i'd realised that i hadn't eaten in the last 23 minutes and so i ate him. But the point is that the birth of the artist must also have coincided with the birth of the critic.
I would imagine that even in caveman times, the first prehistoric artist (let's call him Uggy), probably finished a fabulous painting of a jurassic otter only to hear some critical 'ug ug uggity ug' noises from his less arty friends as they informed him that 'there should be more gore around its fangs' or 'the knees look more hairy and less fuzzy than they should' or 'Tsk! Uggy has painted the Sabre-Toothed Otter in brown and not purple with blue stripes...what a fool!'
One day, all critics will be made to line up in a huge queue and forced to draw a nice picture of a happy, dancing badger. Those that can do it properly (and remember to include a nice pair of dancing clogs) will be allowed ice cream. Those that can't will be forced to watch The Star Wars Holiday Special over and over again until their ears melt off.
I think it's important to be critical, and to get critized, but a lot of people think they are talking about things they understand, though most of the time they don't know shit.
So I agree with you, let them listen until their ears become juicy and pulpy
I should be the only person allowed to be critical.
I would only do it once per year, and it would be a great event, with free alcohol and women dancing behind the curtains.
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